Play #2

Play #2 - The Slow Home Experiment

This is the second full week of our Slow Home Experiment in play, and in today’s episode Ben and I talk about our progress, and the week that was.

To be perfectly honest I’ve been feeling a little insecure in my play attempts this past week. I’m not as playful as Ben (though I’m more likely to stop and wonder at little things and pay attention to tiny details in a child-like way) and I’ve found myself wondering if I’m doing it ‘right’.

We talk about the things we have been doing, including more play with the kids, choosing to laugh and joke more freely, listening to funny things instead of serious things, hunting for rainbows and throwing the ball around. But what I can’t really shake is the feeling that this is a job.

Which, really, is what habit change is about, isn’t it? Doing the thing over and over again, even when it feels like work, until it becomes part of our lives.

It’s interesting to get Ben’s take on it too, as someone who is definitely more playful, as well as the impact it’s been having on his week. He managed to surprise a stranger with his playfulness during the week (which went relatively well!) and, like me, he’s also switched his default position to Yes rather than No.

Regardless of how challenging it feels to me in the moment, I truly believe that anything that gets us to connect and be lighter, more joyful people is a good thing, and while I’m not taking to this month’s experiment as well as others, I can see how bringing playfulness to the front of my mind is having a really positive impact. Which probably means I’m very much in need of it!

How are you finding the play experiment? Are you a natural like Ben? Or finding it a challenge?

This is another experiment that is open to everyone, and I’m really excited to see the #slowhomeexperiment posts popping up on Instagram! It’s never too late to join in, and feel free to tag your social media posts with #slowhomeexperiment.


Head over to iTunes to subscribe to the show and play the episode.

Or you can listen to the show directly, simply by hitting the Play button above. Enjoy!


Show Notes:


Coping With News and Social Media Overwhelm


Ethical Fashion with Mel Tually