Coping With News and Social Media Overwhelm

Coping with news and social media overwhelm - Episode 120 of The Slow Home Podcast

Well, it’s certainly been some kind of week, hasn’t it? And it might have been the after effects of a tumultuous, emotional few days or possibly the fact that we had to record this episode twice (no word on whose fault that is… *cough* Brooke) but this hostful gets a little emotional.

As usual, we answer some cracking listener questions about various elements of slow living, but considering the events of the past week and the subsequent media frenzy, this poggie comes at a super opportune time. We spend some time talking about the role of social media and news in a slower paced life, and specifically on how to avoid overwhelm when faced with an excess of opinions dressed as news. We also talk through some of the strategies we both use to keep oversaturation of 'current affairs' to a minimum.

Things get quite emotional when we answer a question about our personal Whys, as both Ben and I examine our reasons for change and what we stand to gain by choosing to slow down and simplify.

Thankfully, there are also some less emotional questions regarding books (which I am thrilled to answer!) recovering from a busy or stressful period, and the negatives to slow living.

As always, these questions got our brain juices flowing, and hopefully some of the answers and strategies in today's poggie will be helpful to you as you continue to slow down and simplify.


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Or you can listen to the show directly, simply by hitting the Play button above. Enjoy!


Show Notes:




Play #2