Low-tox living with Alexx Stuart - SHP031

Low-tox living with Alexx StuartEveryone’s path to a simpler life unfolds differently, but as I’ve been interviewing guests for the podcast and talking to more and more people about their stories, it’s becoming clear that there are common points in most tellings. Common realisations as we strip away the excess, the clutter, the stress and the stuff.One of the most common is the desire to simplify the food we eat and the products we use, simply because of the impact they’re having on our well being.Today I chat with Alexx Stuart, low-tox living expert, about the changes we can make to our food and many of our everyday products, and the impact these changes can have on our well being.We look at the first steps anyone can take to make the shift towards a low-tox life, and also talk about guilt and how to move past the fear of being “too far gone” to make any significant changes.It’s an information-packed episode so be sure to check out the resources listed below, as well as Alexx's upcoming Low Tox Life ecourse where you can learn everything you've ever wanted to know about how to ditch nasty toxins from your life and home.Enjoy!


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Things to Check Out After Today’s Episode:


What's the best part of slow living?


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