32 from 32
This week I celebrated my 32nd birthday. And when I was 18, man, that would have been old. But now that I'm here? Not so much.In lots of ways, the past year has felt like a game-changer and I wanted to share 32 of the biggest lessons I've learnt over the past 12 months.(In no particular order.)
- There really is beauty in the tiniest of things, if you take the time to look for it.
- Don't use an apology as a search for validation. It's the same as fishing for a compliment, and while we all do it, it makes us feel unworthy.
- You're not, and never will be, everything to everyone - so stop trying and focus on those close to you instead.
- Take time to create priorities your life - write them down, talk about them, commit to them - and then act accordingly. It makes a lot of choices much, much simpler.
- Physical exercise is vital to my mental health. Even a 15-minute walk is enough to help scare away the black dog that still lurks around here sometimes.
- Travelling with kids is challenging but so worthwhile - they bring a whole new depth to your experiences.
- It is possible to stop eating Nutella!
- Learn from someone else's strengths. I look at Ben's ability to celebrate the little wins with a fist pump and I try to adopt it myself.
- What I eat has a direct impact on how I feel, both mentally and physically.
- I have never regretted a single thing I have given away or decluttered.
- Peppermint tea is the best cure for a hangover.
- Accept that a new project might not work - and that is perfectly OK. Do it anyway.
- They were right when they said, "One day you will pray for time to slow down." Our kids are growing so fast, some days I just want to stop the clock and soak them up, just as they are.
- There is no substitute for a quiet day of movies and popcorn at home when everyone is feeling strung out.
- Having something to look forward to is important.
- Talk to your kids from a young age about people's differences.
- Exercise your forgiveness muscle whenever possible, with others and yourself.
- Indulgence is different to a habit so try not to get the two confused.
- Trying new things is, and should be, exhilarating.
- I always dreamed of running but never thought I'd have the fitness to do much of it. Turns out I can. And I love it.
- Stretching for five minutes every single day has seen my flexibility return and my back and neck pain almost disappear.
- It's OK to feel hungry sometimes. We're not meant to feel full constantly.
- That thing your kids do that's driving you mad? It really is a phase. Maybe a long phase, but still a phase.
- Reading on my iPhone or iPad in bed makes it harder for me to get to sleep. A real book is where it's at.
- It feels really good to just laugh with Ben and our kids.
- The Walking Dead is still my all-time favourite TV show.
- Time spent in comparison with others it wasted time.
- Honestly, people don't think about you (or me) nearly as much as we fear. They're too engrossed in their own thing.
- As taxing as I find it, getting out and meeting new people really has been food for my soul.
- Saying yes to things that terrify me (like speaking on stage) has opened up a whole new world of possibilities.
- Becoming part of our community is something I resisted for a long time, mostly from fear and anxiety. Getting involved has been so rewarding.
- Above all, there is love.