Dear Internet, Stop Making Me Feel Like Shit.


The Grass is Greener Where You Water It.Except, it isn't the internet that makes me feel like shit, is it?It's me making me feel like shit.We're surrounded by images of perfect homes, perfect parents, perfect kids. We are bombarded via Pinterest, Facebook and hundreds of thousands of lifestyle blogs, magazines and websites. It is so easy to believe the photos, the light-hearted way perfect lives are described.But come on. We're intelligent people. We know that everyone has crappy days, weeks, months. Everyone yells at their kids. Everyone fights with their partners. Everyone has stages in life where the clutter and the mess and the stuff that doesn't feed our souls takes over. And you feel overwhelmed, undervalued, absent.I love a good lifestyle blog, a good Instagram feed, a good few minutes perusing Pinterest. But it is not real life. It's no-one's real life - but it's particularly not mine.We are choosing to give these myths credit. We are choosing to compare our lives to these edited, censored glimpses. And it's wrong.We are left sapped of our energies, feeling inadequate, less than. And do you know what, folks? We are doing this to ourselves.I propose we put these beautiful images, these perfect glimpses, these wonderful ideas and magazine-worthy lives where they belong. As entertainment. As "sometimes" fun and occasional frivolity. Let's stop allowing them to make us feel like shit.Because you are enough. And if you think you're lacking, then looking at images of impossibly perfect toddler birthday parties on Pinterest sure as hell won't help you get any better.

{Full credit for this post's inspiration goes to Beth at Revolution From Home. I came across this amazing post on Twitter and really wanted to share my thoughts.}


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