E is for Everyday: A-Z of Simple Living


This January, we're taking an in-depth look at the why and how of simplicity with the A-Z of Simple Living. If you want to make 2015 the year you create a simpler, slower life, why not join us?


If you spend any time reading my words or listening to my thoughts on simple living, you'll understand a couple of things about me.One: I'm a little sarcastic.Two: I'm all about baby steps.In fact, I see baby steps as the new giant leaps.The key is that these baby steps need to be regular and consistent, not slap-dash and whenever the mood strikes. When we're consistent with taking baby steps, they become the everyday actions that add up to enormous changes over time.Because you are busy. You are tired. You are stressed. You are overwhelmed at the idea of adding another task or committment to your life. Particularly an all-encompassing committment like, "live simpler". How do you include that on your to-do list?But with baby steps, it doesn't need to be imposing. You can make big life changes this year by choosing small actions every day that don't feel any harder than what you're already doing.How?Baby steps, my friend. Baby steps.And over time, as you string together a handful of these baby steps, you will realise you are living simpler. You are less stressed. Your home is less cluttered.Try one of these today:

  • Clear out your purse, wallet or handbag and keep it free of clutter for 1 week.
  • Instead of putting the mail on the end of the kitchen bench when you get in the door, try opening and dealing with it straight away. (Open, recycle, file, action).
  • Remove five unused items from your wardrobe.
  • Choose one flat surface in the living room (or if that's too overwhelming, choose one corner of one flat surface) and remove all clutter. Keep it free of clutter for 7 days. Then move on to the next flat surface. Declutter that space and keep it clutter-free for another week.
  • Wake up 15 minutes earlier every day for a week, and use that time to prepare for the morning rush.
  • Go to bed 15 minutes earlier and use the time to unwind.
  • Say no to one social committment or invitation and spend the time with your family, watching a movie or playing in the yard.

None of these is difficult, and many of them are not about decluttering at all. But add these small actions together and life starts to look calmer, your home more inviting, and life just...simpler.The key here is not the size of the action, but the commitment to do it every day. As you see the results, you'll want to do more - get organised, declutter, go green, eat well. And as you string together more and more of these baby steps every day, you'll soon realise simple living is something you are doing every day.


If you're looking for a more definitive guide on baby steps which lead in to bigger actions, you can download my free 2014 in 2014 Declutter Guide right here. There is a 2015 version sitting on my desktop at home which will be available late January*, but the content of the 2014 Guidebook is very similar. So if you're looking for a year-long guide into simplifying your home, grab a copy today.(*That'll teach me for going on holidays, right?)


F is for Freedom: A-Z of Simple Living


D is for Decluttering: A-Z of Simple Living