Happy-Making: Be Kind (to Yourself)
Gratuitous personal note: It's been a bit of a week here at Slow Your Home HQ. Long hours, teething babes, early starts. But the new year brought about new ways of thinking for us, and our new mantra is, "Be Kind to Yourself".It is physically impossible to do it all, and mentally irresponsible to try. Who loses out when you're trying so hard to be everything to everyone?You.And if you're strung out, stressed out, checked out and phoning it in, everyone loses. No-one gets the best of you.So this weekend, be kind to yourself. You'll reap the benefits. Additionally, here's some incredible things to think on over the weekend:Learn to Sit Alone, in an Empty Room {via Zen Habits}Be Wonder-full {via Be More With Less}An Incomplete List of Things to do Daily for Happiness and Health {via Gretchen Rubin}
Have a wonder-full weekend, folks. And let me know how you found it, being kind to yourself.xx