Home Hacks
So many of us spend so much time fighting our homes, trying to force them into submission, that we're exhausted.Lately I've been trying to get my home to work for me. I'm working to create a rhythm and systems that work for me and my family, not the other way around.Over the next few weeks I'll be sharing some of these home hacks, in the hope that they'll be helpful to those of you still fighting the same old battle at home.My first tip? Make your home work for you before leaving the house of a morning.Specifically, get your machines ready (think dishwasher, washing machine) and have them running before you head out.To make this easier, I try to have my laundry sorted the night before, stains sprayed, clothes sitting in the machine ready for the morning.I also try to have our dishwasher stacked and ready to take the breakfast dishes, then put it on once lunches are made and the kitchen is tidied away.Then I set my machines to work before I leave the house. When I get home from preschool drop-off, running errands or visiting a friend, I know that two big jobs (washing clothes and washing dishes) will have been done for me.And seriously, how awesome is that?!Rather than continue to take these everyday, modern conveniences for granted, and rather than seeing the loading/unloading of these machines as a chore, I now choose to see them as allies. I know that might seem silly (and it really kind of is) but I find being mindful of it makes me more grateful for the modern conveniences we do have access to.So try to put your machines to work first thing in the morning, and also try to practice gratitude by saying, "Hey, dishwasher, thanks for doing the dishes."