Tiny Beauties
It's easy to see that the world is full of beauty when we stand on the ocean shore or gaze at the mountain peaks. It's easy to recognise the wonders of life when we hear the cry of a newborn or see tears in the eyes of the groom as the bride walks towards him.But when we're in the trenches of the daily grind? When we're elbow-deep in laundry? Driving to work? Doing the groceries? Ferrying our kids to and from sports practice or dance class? In those times we often miss the beauty.I've been in a funk lately, and while part of that is the bi-annual rut I find myself in around mid-winter and mid-summer, it's also tied up in the fact that I feel empty. I've stopped my regular practice of gratitude and I'm failing to pay attention to the plentiful good that's around.So I want to start something new. Something that might help me realise that, actually, beauty is almost everywhere. We just need to look for it a little harder sometimes.
I want to document the tiny beauties that we so often walk by, never noticing. I want to stop, even just once a day, and pay attention to the little miracles.The dew on the front lawn. The graffiti in the alley. The flower about to bloom. The way my son reaches up to hold my hand when crossing the road. The seedling pushing up through the dirt. The glittering shine of the road after a downpour.
These things may or may not be natural. They may or may not be traditionally beautiful. They may or may not be tied to a story. But they are worth noticing.When I spend time every day noticing these little joys, I feel fuller. My downs don't feel so low. I'm more easily able to see everything I have to be grateful for.So I'm going to be posting my #tinybeauties to Instagram, and I'd love for you to join in by posting yours too. (You can follow me here.)I don't have any plans for these posts, other than to share these tiny beauties with whoever is open to seeing them. There's no grand plan or product idea here. Just a need to see more of the beauty the world has to offer, beyond mountains and beaches.