Slow by name, slow by nature

Johan Desaeyere

When I first started down the path towards a slower life I wanted to race to the end of it. I was going to be the fastest person to ever arrive at slow, and I was going to do it perfectly too.

Except… well, slow doesn’t really work that way.

Recently I’ve had a lot of conversations with people who’ve come to the same realisation I eventually did - that meditation or mindfulness aren’t going to stop us from experiencing stress or busy times, but they do offer us ways in which we can better deal with those periods of stress or busy-ness.

And while slowing down, simplifying, and living a more intentional life can remove a lot of the excess stress and busy-ness (the kind that we find ourselves amongst as a result of mindlessly following along rather than actively choosing where to put our attention and energy) it also comes with its own set of lessons to learn.

I remember feeling so incredibly frustrated that I couldn’t do it all, be it all, slow it all down right now  and I recall just how much that challenged my idea of success. Which was kind of the point. Which, really, is kind of the point of slow.

In today’s poggie Ben and I talk about this idea of “slow” being, well, slow. We discuss the annoyance and impatience we’ve faced as we’ve learnt to slow down our efforts, as well as some of the lessons that only tend to reveal themselves as a result of that frustration. I also share a recent example of softening in to impatience, and hopefully highlight the fact that we’re just out here learning and making mistakes and trying to pick up some lessons as we go.

There is no there.



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