Thank you

Well, you certainly know how to make a person feel loved. Thank you all for your kind comments and messages this week, after I posted about my slow return. I have read them all and let them fill my heart up in a way I haven’t really allowed in years.

Coming back here, even tentatively, has felt like a homecoming of sorts. A return to somewhere familiar and somewhere new. I’m sure there’s a word for that feeling in another language but I don’t know what it is.

I felt something resonate when I hit publish on my last post and felt it again every time I read one of your replies. At first, I thought it might be because I know many of you are travelling your own path of living with chronic illness. But the closer I looked, the more I saw it went beyond that.

What I saw was a common thread that wound through everyone’s words. And upon closer inspection, I saw that the thread was actually made of twin strands, wrapped so tightly around each other as to be almost indistinguishable.

Head over to The Tortoise (my bloggish newsletter on Substack) to read the full post. And, while you’re there, you might like to subscribe too!


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A Slow Return