K.I.S.S: Chaos Reigns. Time to Make Friends with it.

Lately I feel as though I've been hit about the head with the crazy stick. Renovations, sick kids, parties to organise and host, the terrible twos, health troubles of my own, Sparky's insane work schedule, keeping some semblance of a social life (barely) and running the house have all left me reeling.

I figured, when this new level of crazy didn't disappear after a couple of weeks, that it must be the new kind of normal so I've decided to embrace the chaos rather than fight against it.

A clever lady once told me:

"Only be as organised as you need to be."

While another said:

"Your house should be clean enough to be healthy and messy enough to be fun."

I want to simplify life, not crowd it with stress and anxiety. So I'm accepting the fact that there are only so many hours in the day and many, many things that need doing and that means something has to give. Sometimes that's housework, sometimes social engagements, sometimes showering(!) I just think it's important for me to be an active participant in choosing to do (and not do) certain things each day.

I am a worrier (particularly of what others think of me) and a stresshead by nature so I'm sure this will take some work, but I feel as though I'm making peace with the craziness that is this stage of our life. And what's more, I'm starting to like it.


Gift Challenge: 6 Year-old Boy

